Alt-Sheff Alt-Sheff

Responses to the US election - What now for Cuba?

Online Online
What do the US election results mean for Cuba? Post-election special discussion with José Ramon Cabaňas, Cuba’s ambassador to the US This meeting takes place just days after the US presidential election, giving time to assess the results and predict what the new president and make up of Congress may mean for the Cuban people. Diplomats, politicians and activists will…
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The US, Latin America, neo-liberalism & alternatives today - Rafael Correa & Jeremy Corbyn In Conversation.

Just two days after the US Presidential election, join Rafael Correa and Jeremy Corbyn in conversation on ‘The US, Latin America, neo-liberalism & alternatives today.’ Administered by Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America in association with Enlace Latinoamericano Europeo Version Ecuador, Colectivo Ecuador Rikchary en United Kingdom, Friends of Ecuador, Brazil Solidarity Initiative & a range of organisations. Please register at…/the-us-latin-america…
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Cavalcade and Rally: Stop the job loss nightmare - Extend furlough

  Millions are available to support businesses and the Government keeps on handing out lucrative contracts to private corporations, yet low paid workers are being made to pay the price of the crisis. We can and must stand up and demand a better deal for workers! This Government is desperately trying to scale back state support for workers and has been…
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Stop the US trade deal - day of online actions!

Online Zoom, etc.
The fifth round of negotiations on the US trade deal are underway this week, and Global Justice Now is holding a day of action to resist this high risk deal. Below is info about online actions you can take. If you post a message, please let them know! GJN have produced a short video (1m 55s) that outline the problems…
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The corporate take-over of global health - and how to stop it

Online Zoom
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to remind us how essential publicly-funded healthcare and access to affordable medicines are – not just here but right around the world. But those things are threatened when corporations use their power to control the price of life saving treatments through patents and monopolies, and use trade deals to protect those patents and to gain access…
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Protest - Justice for Simba - Justice for Jimmy - End the Hostile Environment!

Online and at Vulcan House Outside the Home Office at Vulcan House, Millsands, Sheffield S3 8NU.
Protest outside Vulcan House & online vigil – Justice for Simba – Justice for Jimmy – End the Hostile Environment! Join in person and online to demand justice for Simba, and for all those whose lives have been destroyed by the immigration “Hostile Environment”, and for an end to these cruel, dehumanising and racist policies. Protest: 11am – 1pm outside…
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